Our Mission:

Bring Climate Justice to the Hilltop

The Coalition for Climate Justice is an alliance of over 30 student organizations that call for the St. Edward’s University administration to take meaningful infrastructural changes to combat the current environmental climate crisis. This student initiative calls for the administration--specifically the Board of Trustees--to implement two strategic-planning policies as part of the “Climate Justice Petition”


What is the Climate Justice Petition?

The Climate Justice Petition calls for St. Edward’s University to implement the following energy goals

(1) Drop the entire campus’ dirty energy usage by 45% by 2030

(2) Source 100% of the campus’ energy from renewable energy by 2050.

The Climate Justice Petition also calls for the administration to present a yearly report to the student body, outlining what percentage of the campus’ energy comes from dirty energy (fossil-fuel energy including coal and natural gas) vs. clean energy (renewable energy including solar, wind, and geothermal, etc.).

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How were these energy goals determined?

The "Climate Justice Petition" is a carefully crafted proposal which sets clean-energy proposals drawn from the recommended policy goals that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)  urgently advocates for. The IPCC report’s warning is harrowing: countries, cities, and schools have 11 years to substantially transform our fossil fuel energy usage if we are to avoid catastrophic, irreversible climate chaos.



We call for the administration to establish the “Climate Justice council”

The  “Climate Justice Council” would ensure an institutional mechanism by which the student population and the administration can communicate specifically and solely about the urgency and feasibility the Climate Justice Petition.


45% By 2030

Drop the entire campus’ dirty energy usage by 45% by 2030


100% By 2050

Source 100% of the campus’ energy from renewable energy by 2050


Your student org can also be part of this movement!


Click on the “Partners” link bellow to view a list of coalition student organizations and their paragraphs of solidarity.


Some statements of solidarity…

March 2018

"GlobeMed cares about climate justice because we are committed to the growth and well-being of our partner organization Asociación Tierra, in Nicaragua, a country vulnerable to the effects of climate change. A part of our mission is sustainability so we strive for long term solutions to health disparities. We believe climate change is not only a threat to the environment, but is also a threat to global health due to the issues it creates.”

Maria De Leon Castro
External Co-President - GlobeMed/ Read Full Article


Climate change is happening. As a culture, we have moved past the frivolous debate on whether to accept what scientists have been so clearly telling us about the impact we’ve had on our planet. Now, with time running out, we must change the way we use this planet’s resources and begin a new, sustainable relationship with the environment. For this reason, the Hilltop Views Editorial Board is proud to join the Coalition for Climate Justice in pushing St. Edward’s University to change its environmental practices and become a more sustainable campus.
— Hilltop Views Editorial Board
We care about climate justice because we care about protecting human rights. Climate change is a global human rights issue that threatens our agriculture, water supply, and health. Our climate refugee communities already demonstrate the devastation climate change brings. Thus, we join this coalition to address this crisis and take action towards a more sustainable future.
— Monarchs on the Hilltop